Posted in Countdown

What was your all time favourite song mentioned?

lThe day has come.
What song is my favourite out of everything that I have mentioned?
This is too difficult.

Many of the song choices are first instincts.
Like my current favourite song, because that seems to change every few days or every few weeks or every few months.
There are songs of course that was a no-brainer, like my first dance (and the song that I hate the most).
I knew the moment I heard Safest place to Hide that it’s going to be my first dance.
Also it depends on what I have been listening to as well, and recently it has been a lot of Japanese music.
And I know if you asked me the same questions maybe last year or the year before, many of them would have been replaced by One Direction, Busted, Mcfly and McBusted songs.

There are songs like Through the Dark and Over Again by One Direction that I think could have been my answers, but they both got the cut because they weren’t the right feeling for me right now.
Over Again was considered for the sound that reminds me of a sad moment in my life.

I used the lyrics to Through the Dark when I saw my goddaughter last.
I love her SO MUCH and no matter what she has to go through (She is still quite young and she doesn’t quite know how to verbalise her thought yet – and to be honest even as a grown adult I don’t know how to verbalise some of my thoughts and I ended up referring it to a song), I was going to be there for her, and the chorus was perfect.

Just by looking at the list of songs again (and I heavily cheated when it comes to the songs for the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s because the original question was “what SONG” and not what “SONGS”), right at this moment I have to say Precious One by KAT-TUN.
It’s just one of those songs that I can’t get enough of (and to be fair so is Kiss ~ Kaerimichi no Love Song ~), and it holds so many memories for me.
And because of what KAT-TUN has been through, this song really means quite a lot.

But I really can’t choose one.
REALLY can’t.

Anyways, it’s a Sunday today, so I didn’t do much.

I have had a good week leading up to my birthday.
Including an unexpected hot pot dinner with an old friend and a new friend.
Obviously running around catching Pokemon is also on the agenda, but that didn’t quite happen because we were too busy doing stupid things.
Good times.

P.S. I am glad that it doesn’t ask the question “what song makes your cry”.
Because I can write a freaking list on that one (Previous One, Eve and 恋を知らない君へ do the job).