Posted in Countdown

Day -5 until my birthday

Every year I do a countdown to my birthday and this year I am starting very late, compare to the previous years.

I guess this is a good time to start looking back and to reflect on the last god knows how many years that I have tried to write something every day, except for the days where I had migraine or get really sick – which happened a few times…

And those were days that I didn’t write anything.

I think I have changed a lot from the last couple of years. I have started to believe in myself and understand and content of me being me. 

I have people who love me for who I am and I have people who love me because they have been there for me for nearly forever.

As I am stepping into the last year of my 30s, I found myself looking back and thinking I have definitely grown. One of the things is that I no longer internally try to compare myself with others. I have gotten comfortable to praise people and celebrate success of others, without feeling jealous inside. I want to be grateful for people round me, grateful for love, grateful for my job and try to find silver lining in everything. 

Posted in Countdown

Countdown: day -1

It feels like a bit of a rush to get things done today but I managed to do quite a few bits before I go.

And I managed to pack very quickly which I am impressed with myself.

I am ready to go tomorrow.

But I am getting up at silly o’clock and get a silly o’clock bus so I can get to the airport for an early flight and give me about half an extra day.

I can’t wait.

Posted in Countdown

countdown: day -2

I have an amazing day at work today. I got the train, got off the train, got onto the shuttle bus and got off the bus to find one of my minions. We wandered to the office together, got a hot drink and then head up to our area.

We chatted for a little, had a laugh – then I had a head massage and it was relaxing and I managed to get a few things done before my manager started so I can feedback to him and he gave me a thumbs up. 

I had multiple very successful meetings throughout the day, and I asked my minion to do a few things which he delivered very swiftly, and even my manager was impressed how our working relationship has improved a lot. 

I got my walk in today too, and I have a one of the best days since the dreaded first Monday of the month – and I feel like myself again.

I am also not packed, I am going to put everything into the suitcase tomorrow when I get home after work, I fee like I have not been so unorganised before I go on holiday. Usually I am ready to go by now but I have not even open my suitcase and yesterday night I Was still looking for my swimming costume. 

I also got a long weekend booked with the girls, and it is going to be amazing because there is going to be hot tubs and long walks and we are going to have so much fun because the six of us have not been together and do something for a very long time. 

Can’t wait.

But first – Madrid. 

Posted in Countdown

Today I am grateful for… Day -1

Today I am grateful for… my Reg Baby.

She sent me the most beautiful bunch of flowers for my birthday. 

There are roses and Larkspure, Alstroemeria, Carnation, Lisianthus and Bishop’s lace and something that i have only come across for the first time – Eryngium and also flowers that called ‘September’.

I have been given some amazing birthday presents already – I don’t think there will be more arriving tomorrow which is totally okay with me.

I will get my present from Carrot Top though, because we like to do it face to face.

Tomorrow I am going to have afternoon tea with my parents and then have wine tasting with one of my new friend – I said new, I have known her for a while but really become friends recently. 

Posted in Countdown

 Today I am grateful for… Day -2

Today I’m grateful for Sealife London. 

And the London aquarium. 

I don’t care what people say, I’m a full group adult 2 days away from turning 38, but I’ll enjoy Sealife no matter what. 

I am grateful for romanic dates too. Kind of. 

Because I went to Sealife is as a date, it was sweet, he was sweet, and we had a good time. 

We had lunch too, and that as nice, and we spend a lot of time cuddling, and having a drink (or two).

It was nice that he feels comfortable to be all grinchy because of work, and he have had some bad days and he was okay talking to me.

That made me feel maybe there is something more.

Who knows.

And I am grateful for my cousin too, who bought me ramen for dinner.

Posted in Countdown

Today I am grateful for… Day -3

Today I am grateful for entertainment – I have had 3 pornstar martinis, played bowling and also darts and had a massively fun night with some colleagues at work.

I am also grateful for good weather when this time of the year is usually wet and rainy and I have a wonderful autumn evening when I head into town after work. 

I am also grateful for fast trains that takes me home especially it ran late and I can just about make it home. 

Posted in Countdown

Today I am grateful for… Day -4

Today I am grateful for my colleagues that I don’t work directly but always have lots of fun. I had to do a massive presentation to a massive group of global colleagues, about a topic that I really have spent only for the last half a year trying to understand – because I have never been in a position where I need to understand in my previous jobs. There are so much operational work that needs doing, but in here, I have a development plan and also career progression planned for me.

I think my current manager might be one of the best managers that I have ever had – the other one being when I worked in a Swiss pharma giant, and I still see and talk to her a lot. 

I am finally relaxed today – I have had a mini bump on the road again today, but it went okay.

At least for now.

We will see how it goes on Saturday.

Posted in Countdown

Today I am grateful for… Day -5

Today I am grateful for my best friend who I have known since I was 11.

She sent me mushrooms for my birthday and they look absolutely yummy.

I cannot wait to get myself into it.

I have had a little bit of a bumpy day today, I have a massive presentation tomorrow and whilst the presentation is ready, I have only been through it once.

I hope it all goes well tomorrow.

Posted in Countdown

Today I am grateful for… Day -6

Today I am grateful for the national health service in England. 

I have to go the doctor’s today, and whilst it took a while to get an appointment, I managed to get one.

I had one of the nurse practitioners, and she was very thorough and very nice to talk to and she got everything I need done completed in record time. 

I got a lot work done today in the office and I also managed to catch up with the nice people I don’t usually work directly with.

I love going into the office.

Posted in Countdown

Today I am grateful for… Day -7

Today I am grateful for my team at work. 

They have held the fort up whilst I was away last week and there were 1 email that they missed, and I was able to pick that up very quickly this morning.

I have practically nothing to catch up on, and everything that needed doing is my own things that I have sat on.

They worked so hard and it’s one of their birthdays today as well and they turned 30 today.

I am so proud of the team.

I did not want to go back to work today though, because I am still very much on holiday mode, and it’s wet and cold today and I really want another holiday. 

I am going to sleep so well tonight though, I definitely have worked myself quite hard today and I am knackered.