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Laugh out loud

Because the road outside of the office is being dug up for extra power for the next office building next door, we have been told if you can work from home, do it because there is not enough parking space.

So many people is working from home but even then there are more than anybody anticipated in the office.

Ten people.

Because there are only 50% of my team is in, we decided to get pizza for lunch.

It was GOOD pizza.
I was called an abomination because I like my Hawaiian pizza.
I made it worse by adding extra mushroom and olives on the pizza.

I also did something really stupid at work today.

Not quite work related though.

Next Wednesday is one of my minions’ birthday, and her birthday card landed of my desk this morning.
I accidentally gave it to her to sign.

She saw it, gave it back to me and said (and in capital of course) “THIS IS MY BIRTHDAY CARD FEMME YOU JUST GAVE ME MY OWN BIRTHDAY CARD TO SIGN FEMME YOU IDIOT”.
And we laughed so hard.

Even after a while we started laughing again.

Then the whole team (including those who weren’t in the office because thank god for Skype for business) said it just proofs that I am human.
Because I am making mistakes.

Apparently they talked about it whilst I was on holiday and they agreed I can’t possibly be human because I haven’t had a PROPER breakdown (that teary day doesn’t count apparently) and the fact hat I was ill and I still powered through my holiday and I’m now coughing as if I’m about to die, yet I’m still working and I’m still doing everything.

Little did they know I’ve missed so much already.

But I love them and they are really the best that I have worked with (except for my second job – the ladies were perfect).

And finally the weekend!
Hurray to the weekend!