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There a light at the end of the tunnel

​I know this year for a fact that I won’t be travelling as much as last year because I have give back the responsibility for APAC (Asia-Pacific – 8 countries) and now I don’t have to go to head office as much as I did last year.

On the other hand, as I mentioned before, my partner-in-crime in Belgium has been signed off on stress supposedly until next monday but it’s been extended until mid-February. This morning I had a call with her team and the Nordic team, and I am picking another 8 countries: 5 Nordic countries plus Benelux.

Most of the time people are freaking out because there is no timeline and there is no routine. There isn’t enough warning to actually let people do what they need to, and they need to manage people’s expectation and say no when there are too much work.

Good times.

But I am sure it’ll be fine.
I am sure I will be fine.

Because a recent scientific studies has proven that people who goes to concert regularly are happier and less likely to succumb to stress.

I am manic depressive anyway and I am on shitloads of drugs, and I don’t like routines so I am definitely less likely (in this working situation) to get sick.
And telling people “no” is one of my forte (not at home though) because that was something that I learnt when I worked in OTC medicines.

Because the commercial teams are stupid.

It’s all good thing, I guess.

Also I am going away at the end of March for two weeks to Taiwan and everything will be fine again.

Light at the end of the tunnel.