Posted in Page, Rambling

Stressful times

As you know, I am staying with a family friend at the moment. They have two kids, one of them in university abroad, the other one in university about 3 hours away.
So last night the one that is in university about 3 hours away hasn’t been feeling well since the day before, and she’s been calling home telling her mum about it – which of course, made her mum quite worried.
Chronologically, she stayed up and did revision through the night on Sunday and head to her exam on Monday morning without breakfast. Then she got back home on Tuesday, sleeping through the day and woke up at about eight feeling disorientated with cold sweat and headache as well as feeling a dizzy. Then yesterday she spent the day at the home and the moment she felt a bit better she ran off and have sweat and sour chicken from a Chinese Takeaway and felt sick again yesterday night.
From someone who’s been through university, I am about 99% sure of why she doesn’t feel very well.
Sunday night she was revising through the night and headed straight to her exam on Monday. She didn’t eat anything and only drank water. She slept through the afternoon and woke up feeling sick.
She’s probably been running on adrenaline during her revision and her exams, and once her brain registered that the stress is over, her adrenaline level drops and she passed out (sleeping). When she got up she’s probably dehydrated and also hungry, to the point where her blood sugar is so low that she’s got cold sweat, headache and feeling dizzy. She said she felt better after she ate something and have a glass of warm water. Within 12 hours when she thought she felt better she had a heavy meal that has been deep fried, dripped in sauce and very heavy on the stomach. Of course she’s going to feel sick.
Anyways, I wasn’t too worried, as long as she rests and she keeps eating food that isn’t too heavy for her stomach she should be fine.
She phoned her mother on Monday, and her mother is always sympathetic. But when she phoned last night, her mother was in the shower and her father picked up. She was probably just quite moany on the phone, and when her father isn’t showing any sympathy, she must have gotten quite pissed off. Having talked to her mother the night before, she told me she’s got a bit of a temper and she’s also quite mouthy (it might have something to do with the fact that she came to England when she was very young, and she’s picked up that side of it a lot more – Asian children CANNOT be mouthy to their parents, it’s like a given rule. You can be silently pissed off and not say anything, but you’re definitely not allowed to talk back and be mouthy – it pretty much guarantee more telling off and things that you could never imagine as punishment). I was in the sitting room watching “The Mad World of Donald Trump” (That was entertaining… it’s like Jesus Camp only without the singing and a lot of racists and sexist jokes). She actually hung up on him and didn’t ring back for another 10 minutes.
Her father was visibility pissed off when she hung up and when he picked up the phone again and I could hear her father getting really angry on the phone at her. I wouldn’t say I heard everything, but it was quite clear that he was telling her off about the fact that she’s being mouthy and isn’t respecting her parents.
I didn’t see him again after the phone call, and her mother didn’t say anything when she joined me watching the weird (but entertaining) show.
He seemed okay this morning, but then I don’t think he’s completely calmed down yet. He usually plays badminton on Wednesday night, so maybe I’ll talk to her mother about it and see what happened.