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Happy 2016

Happy 2016

It’s so weird to say 2016.
When I was little, I thought I’d be married with kids by the time I hit 30.
I am now 31, with a pretty good job, enjoy too much shopping and have a stupid addiction where I just adopt little brothers.
I ‘recruit’ little people (usually under 25) and they become my Under 25 army, where I will eventually take over the world.
There are quite a few of them already.
Plenty of boys, but all my leaders are girls.
Hashtag girl power.
Once they turn 26 they become members of my ‘older but still immature’ army.
There are quite a few of them too.

I am going to the airport to pick up Curly now.
We are going to see Disney on Ice tomorrow.

So grown up.

Posted in New Year's Ask, Uncategorized

New Year’s Ask 2015

I was meant to post this yesterday night but I was so sleepy after I landed from Japan I basically hit the bed and didn’t wake up until just before midnight.

Hashtag old age.

1: Describe your year in one word

2: Describe your year in three words
Hey! Say! Jump

3: Describe your year in one sentence
2015 is the year I realise acting like an adult is overrated and as long as you know when you be mature, age is just a number.

4: Describe your year with song lyrics
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can’t blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down

5: Describe your year with a quote/quotes
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

6: Best memories from 2015?
Hollywood Ending’s final show in England.

7: Worst memories from 2015?
Hollywood Ending’s final show in England.

8: Biggest surprise in 2015?
Being in a job that I actually loved the people but having to leave because a better opportunity came up.

9: If you could change one thing about the past year what would it be?
Spend more time with my friends because I didn’t seem to do as much of it this year.

10: If you could relive one day from 2015, which day would you choose and why?
The last Hollywood Ending show in England.

11: What’s the strangest thing that happened to you in 2015?
I have become an adult a lot more than I thought I would be.

12: If you got the chance to relive this year would you do it?
Probably not as much as 2014 which was the better year.

13: Describe your year with a picture


14: Who were the most meaningful people in your life this past year?
As always, my family; Curly, Blondie, Midori and Carrot Top.

15: Did any major life changes happen to you in the past year?
Not that I know of…

16: Who’s the coolest person you met in 2015?
Do you know what? I haven’t met anybody new this year except for people at work, but I wouldn’t classify any of them as ‘cool’. They are however, a bunch of dorks that I adore lots.

17: Any regrets concerning the past year?
Not that I know of.

18: What is the most memorable thing that happened to you in 2015?
Went to see the last Hollywood Ending show.

19: Would you say you had a good year?
I think so. It’s not as amazing as 2014, but it’s pretty epic.

20: What’s the greatest achievement you made this year?
Getting a promotion.

21: Name one song for every month of the past year

January: Kiss me
February: Love Love Love
March: Miso Soup
April: Super Delicate
May: Drag me down
June: More than Words
July: Kiss Kiss Kiss
August: Hollywood Ending
September: Let it Go
October: Home
November: Bad Superman
December: Harmony of December

22: What’s the best thing that was said to you this year?
You are more capable than you think.

23: What’s the worst thing that was said to you this year?
You’re fat.

24: What’s the best gift you received this year?
Best gift? I have no idea to be honest. I really don’t know.

25: Best book you read in 2015?
Paper weight by Stephen Fry.

26: Best tv show you watched in 2015?
McBusted did the Back to the Future thing.

27: Best movie you saw in 2015?
The last Hunger Games.

28: Best song you heard in 2015?
Kimi wa Attraction.

29: Most boring day of the year?
Seriously? I don’t remember. Most of my days are pretty mundane I think!

30: Saddest day of the year?
I guess when I heard One Direction is taking a break? Or the day when Taguchi announced he is leaving KAT-TUN.

31: Scariest moments in 2015?
Nearly missing my flight to Japan. That was close.

32: Share the best photo you took in 2015


33: Share the best photo of yourself in 2015


34: Did 2015 meet your expectations?
Kind of. But I had such a good 2014, it is quite difficult to compete.

35: What’s the most interesting experience you had in 2015?
Chado. Learning traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony.

36: Would you say you’ve changed during this year?
I am still learning to love myself.

37: What’s the bravest thing you did in 2015?
Bone marrow donation.

38: What’s the hardest thing you did in 2015?
Quitting my current job and starting a new one in approximately 18 days.

39: What’s the most impressive thing you did in 2015?
Singlehandedly sort out the shit that the Sikh left me.

40: What’s the kindest thing you did in 2015?
I am not a kind person.

41: What’s the most honest thing you did in 2015?
Tell someone they look fat in her dress.

42: What were the biggest events in your life in 2015?
Nothing much. I turned 31…?

43: What songs do you think will make you remember this year?
Drag me down.

44: Did this year teach you anything?
I should tell people to fuck off more often.

45: What do you expect from the new year?
I don’t know yet. Whatever it is, I am hoping I’d be able to cope!