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Last minute is not my forte

I hate last minute booking and arranging anything.

Problem is, I don’t have the time, and I don’t have th luxury to do things nowadays since I got back from Portugal because this is now the last stretch of my final run to do the new marketing authorisation submission and I realised there’s still a lot to do and probably not enough time because technically I only have a week and a half left.

But I have not booked my flight and hotels yet and I finally did it for Japan. I had the worst anxiety and the worst palpitation from that this morning.

It’s all done now, the JR pass (3 for the whole 2 weeks worth of trip!), the flight tickets and the hotels. I am happy, and I am sorted and I have a goal in front of me to get everything together.

It’s going to be a nightmare next week.

I can feel it already.

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End of year appraisal prep already?

It is agonising to think that we are nearly 2 months away from the end of the year, and we are starting to have appraisal discussion already?

That’s crazy because half of my objectives are not completed, and god knows what else I have to do to actually reach my objectives.

I don’t even know if I am going to be able to make that bloody submission or not because global people are being a dick.

Talking about being a dick…

That blond witch at work, who I swear to god has something against me – sent me a message today asked if I am going to send out a collection pot and a leaving card for Bratty.

Does she really think I am a shitty manager? If anything I have a really good reputation for being a manager than anything else.

I had a long development meeting with my manager today – I have been attending development session with a coach since mid-October (Friday 13th hahaha) and given that we have done some quizzes and also some tests to determine where I stand when it comes to emotion and psychological. One of the weird things is that my manager said it’s strange how I view myself vs. how the rest of the people plus he view me when it comes to confidence. Everyone thinks that I am confidence, and I am delivering, but I don’t feel confidence and I don’t think I can deliver.

I think it’s the Asian in me that wanting and needing to always perform more, and focus on the negative and not the positive.

The boyfriend does say it a lot that I don’t see how amazing I am but I really don’t because I don’t feel it.

But maybe he has a point, and maybe it is time for a change.

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Belated birthday celebration part 2

My taste family (minus taste-mum) took me for a cocktail making session to celebrate my birthday.

They even invited My Sexy Beast aka My Man of Honour, and also the boyfriend. It was the first time he met the Taste-aunt.

He wow’ed everyone.

He’s a good egg. He’s been adorable.

Cocktail making was fun. I had lots of happy photos.

And everyone was laughing, giggling and smiling.

A good night out. I think.