Posted in Be good to myself

memory lost?

Back on the 20th I finally decided to cut ties with the crazy girl because she basically accused me for putting myself before her and that she should be the most important person in my life and when she needs to cry for help I need to be there for her, and that she’s been caring for me instead of the other way round.

And guess what I saw this morning?

Text messages on my WhatsApp.

3 weeks ago (and I am quoting her messages on my Instagram) she said “To be honest, the fact that you can suggest it’s pressure anyway when it isn’t is enough for me to just leave you alone”.

I thought she is going to leave me alone.

So after 3 weeks, when I am chilling and have myself some space for myself… the message came through.

Two actually.

“Hope you’re okay”

“And just to message you how I’m missing you”

I ignored it and muted the communication again for another week.

And at twenty to three, another message came through.

“Let me know if you‘re available any time soon Femme…”

So… not so alone then.

I feel like I have a clingy other half and i hate clingy people.

(Admittedly that was how my last relationship ended because I didn’t check on him when he’s not clingy anymore – how the fuck would I know he’s got another girlfriend on the side?!)

Bollocks to that shit.

I am emotional enough for the both of us and given the fact that she has made me miserable, and I kept thinking it’s my problem when it clearly isn’t… I wanted to jeep up with the crazy and just watch from the side, but I’m not emotionally stable enough and Aunty Social has been so right from the beginning (wise lady) – no time for that shit.