Posted in Family, Life in Second City, Page, Rant

Ranting and hormone don’t mix

I haven’t had enough rest.
Saturday I woke up early to go shopping and didn’t sleep until just before midnight, but ended up waking up twice to play Mystic messenger, thinking it’d be okay because it’s the weekend.
And because the clock has changed, my body doesn’t like it.
I don’t get jetlag, but I can’t do with 1 hour changes.Sunday I woke up early to get ready for Comic Con, even though supposedly I have an extra hour, it didn’t make much difference for me because I was getting up early.
I didn’t get home until late of course, because it’s Comic Con AND Chris Bourne’s tour.
I had to wake up early yesterday night to start working, even though I was working from home.
And then making my way back to the second city isn’t exactly relaxing, and I fall asleep really early last night…
But because of the clock change, my body was awake at half past five – which is my normal half past six in the morning.
So today I am hormonal as well as cranky from lack of sleep.
And on top of that two things was getting to me yesterday.

Continue reading “Ranting and hormone don’t mix”

Posted in Be good to myself, Life in Second City, Page, Rambling

Sleeping Habits

Having discovered the whole 528 Hz thing, I noticed one thing.
I seem to be alert when I am asleep, but I actually wake up full of energy and not tired at all.
I don’t know if it’s psychological and if it’s because it’s brighter nowadays (I prefer the light to the dark), I notice a pattern where I do sleep better listening to 528 Hz sound/music.

Previously I have tried listening to soothing music, sounds for insomnia, and also guided meditation, but nothing seems to be as good as the 528 Hz sound.
I tried a series of it where it starts from a lower frequency and all the way to the higer frequency (found it on YouTube) last night, and I think it worked okay too.

I just wanted to point out one thing though.
The whole 528 Hz frequency repairing DNA, and the whole Ancient Solfeggio Scale thing?
I don’t believe it.
I am believe the fact that the sound is soothing and it helps you relax, but the whole being able to liberate your guilt and fear at 396 Hz, and the whole awakening intuition thing at 741 Hz…
There is no scientific proof in it.
And whilst some of the frequencies might be quite nice to listen to whilst you want to rest because it’s soothing, I just don’t think my body understands frequency of sound and innotation of music like my brain does.
I mean, no offence. DNA is doing pretty well as it is, I really don’t think it needs extra help.

Posted in Life in Second City, Page


I recently watched a programme (KinKi Kidsのブンブブーン) and that specific episode is about a celebrity wanting to buy comfortable bedding.
I usually watches it depending on who the guest is, but because Domoto Tsuyoshi isn’t well, and Shige (talented, beautiful Shige) covered for him and that’s the only reason I watched it to be honest.
Domoto Koichi (Oji-sama) mentions that he listens to 528 Hz frequency when he goes to sleep, because it give the best quality sleep when you listen to it.

I have had sleeping problems, and when I do get them, I have listened to guided meditation to put myself to sleep but yesterday when I really couldn’t sleep after spending an hour with a guided meditation that I have used before, I started to panic because I don’t do well when I don’t have enough sleep.

So I googled 528Hz and found one that is for 2 hours.

I am not sure if it worked or not.
I can usually tell when I am about to fall asleep, because my body will feel like it’s floating in mid-air, and sometimes it feels like I am drunk (serious).
According to my sleep analysis (I have one of those health apps on my phone that I put next to my pillow, and it pretty much fries my brain with radiowaves whilst I sleep – good times), I slept really well between half past three and quarter to seven when I wake up. I actually went to bed at half past eleven (after writing my blog) last night and fell asleep straight away, but I woke up at half past two and couldn’t get back to sleep. Then an hour later I was still awake after the guided meditation.
The sleep analysis said I was in deep sleep between half past three and quarter to seven.
I am pretty sure my brain was active during that three hours and fifteen minutes. I remember the feeling of floating, and I thought to myself ‘great – I am going to sleep now’.
And I basically think calm and happy thoughts trying to sleep.
A bit like when Harry Potter needs to cast a patronous for the first time.
I remember thinking ‘shit I am still not asleep’ and ‘shit I am going to wake up soon’.
But apparently my sleep analysis says something different.
And strange enough, even though I have had broken sleep last night, I didn’t wake up feeling like a completely useless pile of shit.
I actually feel like a human, unlike the other times where I lack sleep.
I might give it a try again tonight and see how it goes – I might feel like I am not sleeping, but maybe my body is resting enough and it is the start of lucid dreaming?

Posted in Life in Second City, Page

Follow up from yesterday

I have a cold.
And I am not joking.

I went to bed at half past nine yesterday and slept until my alarm went off this morning.
And I have a block nose.
And a bit of a runny one too for that matter.

My throat feels a bit rough, but it’s nothing that I can’t deal with.

It’s only a cold, and it’s nothing that paracetamol can’t fix.

So I read up on the employee handbook regarding absence and monitoring and everything.
The exact wording that was used about absence monitoring is:
“Repeated/persistent absences or long-term absence, even though caused by genuine sickness, can be lead to termination of employment. This action would only be taken when there are no other reasonable alternatives. We will ensure the appropriate application of the Equality Act 2010. Short-term absences are managed by our Absence Policy. The aim of this procedure is to avoid dealing with absence as a disciplinary issue. Long-term absence is regarded as a capability issue and not one of conduct and is covered under the Company’s Capability Policy.”

I also looked up regarding the numbers of days on average people are absence due to sickness every year.
7.3 days.

So if you are off for more than 7 days a year due to sickness, it is probably not a surprised if you are monitored.
I totally see the company’s point.

I am going back to bed now, I feel really sleepy, and I might even just sleep through the weekend by the look of things.

Posted in Life in Second City, Migraine, Page


Another one of those days again, it’s not healthy.
I called home the moment I got home, just to let them know I have a migraine and I was going to have a shower and then go to bed.
The call itself was only 10 minutes, but it felt like forever because my head was so achy and I just don’t feel like talking.

Sometimes I wish I have the guts to tell my parents that I don’t feel like talking, and I don’t feel like I want to interact and just be a hermit and stay in bed.

Nope. None of that.

They told me about what they have done (lots of cleaning and a family friend called) and talk about general stuff (which to be fair, is great when you call home, just to catch up on the gossip, but it’s horrific when you have a migraine and the sound hurts your ears and the lights from the video also hurt your eyes). My mother was mentioning something about people commenting on your job etc etc and I told her I don’t care what other people think as long as I am happy in my job. She said that you can’t live in your world, yada yada yada.

I wasn’t in the mood to talk.

Eventually I had to tell her my head really aches and I need to go, and she reluctantly hung up.

I had a quick shower and even the hot water over my head didn’t help (it usually does).

I took two paracetamol, but that didn’t help (usually it takes about 10 minutes for it to kick in) so I decided to go straight to naproxen.

The pain has subsided somewhat, so I am going to bed now, because it comes back.

At least I am going to get a few hours of good sleep tonight.

Posted in Page, Rambling

I walk faster in flat shoes

I finally succumbed today and wore a pair of flats and used a backpack instead of my 300 pound 100% leather shoulder bag.

My back is getting quite sore and I think it’s also because the bed I am sleeping on is quite soft as well.
My body is probably also wondering why the hell am I Walking 10K step a day when I am not on holiday.

I shaved 10 minutes on my way to work today, just because I wore flat shoes.
I guess it’s flat shoes from now on, walking to and fro work. I am tempted to get a pair of Vibram Five fingers. There’s a pair that looks like ballet shoes, and they look really nice. I just have to find out where the hell I can get them.

Alternatively, next time when I go to Italy I’ll pick up a pair, and I’ll just wear my Vans for now (I need to break those shoes back from home first).

I haven’t had any coke for a third day in a row! I did have some chocolate yesterday and some M&M today though.
I feel quite unsociable sometimes, because so far I have been having lunch at my desk because of the sheer amount of operating procedure that I have to read and I Want to get most of them over and done with as soon as possible so I start getting work done.

I did do my first interesting work though – a guy in a different department asked me for my PROFESSIONAL OPINION. I am well shocked.
Me? A professional?
I mean, I joked about being one and I get very upset if people don’t think I am one when I work, but actually being considered as an adult and a professional, it feels VERY weird.
I think I like it though, so far.

On a different note, it is confirmed for a fact that SMAP is not breaking up, and my world has restored the equilibrium. They got me worried for a while. Life would have been so different if they are not a 5 piece boyband. It’s like now News is now 4 people, when it used to be 9 of them; KAT-TUN used to be 6 people and now there is 4 left, and it’d be 3 soon.

It’s so weird to say this but this week so far has been long and short all at the same time. Long when I am walking into work and walking home, short when I am actually at work and at home, and it feels like I am not sleep enough.
And whilst we are talking about sleeping, I woke up at about six this morning and for the next 40 minutes I’d fall asleep and woke myself up because I was breathing too hard or when I am snoring.

It’s Wednesday and so far I have survived my new role without too much problem.
Let’s keep it this way.

Posted in Uncategorized

Lucid dream hypno…WHAT?

I recently started to have problem sleeping again, and remembering a lot of them time I sleep through my massages with relaxing music (sound of the beach and waves), so I looked them up on YouTube.
As you do.
And I came across music to help you achieve lucid dreaming.
I have known about what lucid dreaming is, and every now and then I can manipulate my dream.
Thing is, I can do it when it’s not a nightmare.
So I chose one where they called it a hypnosis.
And believe or not I actually did fell asleep listening to a hypnosis.
I slept quite well last night actually.
I did wake up twice, but I put the hypnosis back on and fell back asleep.
I couldn’t believe it.
I haven’t slept well in my own bed for so long I can’t actually remember when was the last time I slept through the night.
I am a creature of love, and I need to be hugged to sleep well.
In fact, after I have had the “good life”, most of the time I’m the little spoon and I always sleep well when I am the little spoon.
I have been told recently that when I am the little spoon, I giggle in my sleep and also make little purring sound.
I know I snore sometimes because I wake myself up from my own snoring, but giggles and purrs?
That’s news to me.

Oh well.
At least in sleeping better now.
Always a good thing.

Posted in Rant


Apparently one of the projects that I was working on has changed the deadline.
Good thing is, the deadline was moved back.

However, no one told me about that.
So I have done all the work needed to be done, and now I am rushing everybody else to do their part, because people didn’t tell me that the timeline was changed.

This is what happened when there’s not enough communication.

Three day into work and I have another outbreak of spots already.
And I don’t even thing the stress has started back yet.

Also going to work makes me want to sleep more.
I went to bed at half past eight last night.
I am so sleepy right now I can sleep for the next day.
Not kidding.

I am going to go to bed now.

So healthy of me.

Posted in Countdown, Love quote


I welcomed my first migraine of 2015 today.
I went out to dinner yesterday night and I was feeling a bit migraine-y by the time I was heading home.
I didn’t think much of it until of votive I started to feel nauseated at about two in the morning.
I got up and luckily (or unluckily?) didn’t throw up.
And I throw in some pain killers into my system for good measures.

Needless to say I was still feeling sick this morning and with no sight on my left eye and a pounding pain in my head, I threw in more painkillers into my system.
And went back to bed with what I got given from the girls as part of my birthday present – an eye mask that said “The Queen’s sleeping”.
Ain’t no princess anymore.
I’m a queen.

Basically I spent the whole day in bed today and watched YouTube video.
Eventually I did get out of bed and eat something but I really didn’t need to.
I felt so sick and last time I felt that bad was when I got really sick and had to leave work half way through the day.
I also had the flu jab a few days before that so I could blame the migraine on the jab itself.
Hopefully that’s all over.
The migraine that is.

McBusted in 83 days.

A heart that loves is always Young.
Greek proverb

I see old people when they are waking hand in hand together and the thought that cross my mind is that – they must have done it for forever.
It’s so beautiful watching old people in love.
And when I see the old couples looking at each other, it’s like you can see it in their eyes that all they see is each other when they were young.
I long for that.