Posted in Life in Second City, Page, Rambling, Uncategorized

New start (kind of)

Day one of being a 32-year-old.

Nothing has changed.

1) I am still as crazy as ever.
Judging by the fact that I have now sorted my iternary for my trip to Hong Kong, starting from home.
I finish work on Friday at 1700.
My flight is 2100.
According to guidelines from airports, you should be at the airport 3 hours prior to your departure time for international flights.
That’s not going to happen because it means that I need to be at the airport at 1800.
Admittedly door to door on a taxi it takes about 45 minutes, but since I am travelling alone, I am going to get public transport, and it is going to take a little bit more than that.
I’ll probably be about 1900 by the time I get to Heathrow.
I would have checked in already, and it’s only a matter of a bag drop, but if I want to factor in some shopping time, I am going to have to move fast because the security is REALLY tight recently.
I will make it to my flight though, I just don’t know how long I’ll get for shopping.
I land at 1645 the next day (saturday) in Hong Kong, and I think I am being whisked away for dinner already.
And I am fully booked for the Sunday and Monday to meet up with people, as well as Tuesday lunch time and Wednesday dinner.
Thursday midnight I am flying to Seoul, which means I have to be at the airport on 17th evening and I won’t be back in Hong Kong until the 25th midnight… and I have already gotten plans for dinner on 25th evening.
Somewhere somehow I need to find time to go and get a new pair of glasses (Because optians in England just tries to sell you everything), and also do a little bit of shopping and visit a few people that are too fragile to go anywhere.
Hong Kong is not a big place, but it is still a nightmare to get anywhere if you don’t know where you are going.

2) I still drinks too much alcohol.
I personally think I don’t, but apparently according to quite a few people, I do.
Just because I am an Asian female and I know my limit, doesn’t mean that I drink too much if you can’t hold your alcohol.
It is true that Asians (less in Thai and Indians) has ADH1C rather than the ADH1B gene, which means that they are less able to metabolise alcohol.
In my case, I don’t think I have that problem because one of the signs is facial flushing (and sometimes even the body) and I have never had the ‘glow’ before.
I think for an Asian female I drink quite a bit, mainly because I actually like the taste of alcohol, and the fact that I have built up my alcohol tolerance throughout the years (from the moment I hit double digit when it comes to my age), when I think I am just hitting the ‘merry’ line, a lot of people are already drunk.
Half a bottle of wine during a meal is normal for me.
A full bottle is more like what usually happens.
I have been to dinner with a friend and between the two of us we had 3 bottles, plus cocktails beforehand and dessert wine afterwards.
AND on top of that, we were giving a glass of Port each, because we couldn’t make up our minds what we want for dessert and we were debating about the Port.

3) I eat too much food.
I love food too much to stop.
I am not going to give up on a burger because it’s fattening.
I’ll have a salad the next day.
I can cut down on carbs but you can’t stop me eating pasta.
And if I have a spoon and a tub of Nutella in my hands, you better just walk away because I wouldn’t have time for anything or anybody BUT the tub of Nutella.
And this then leads to…

4) I am too fat for Asian standards.
I swear to God female in Hong Kong has a body mass index that is below 18.5.
I saw the perfect come back for this, when people calls me ‘fat’.
“You are a judgemental c**t and shut the f**k up”.
There is another one too, which my NYBB swears by:
“Men are not dogs, even though they might behave like one, but they prefer meats to skin and bones”.
I have curves.
I have boobs that I have no idea where they come from, and from a logical natural selection point of view, the shape of my body is one that has evolved in the right direction.
The boobs have been balanced out by the size of my bottom.
If your boobs are big and you have no hips, you will fall over. because the weight is at the top. My whole body is at its equilibrium, and I don’t even have to look into getting plastic surgery to ‘maximise’ my ‘assets’ to porn movie standard.
I’d love a few more inches when it comes to my height of course, but it’s not something that I can control, and it can be dealt with on an ad hoc basis when it comes to the situations.
Because of the ‘excellent’ balanced of my body shape, I am capable of wearing and walking in heels range from nothing to 8 inches.
if I get to the extreme, it makes me 5 foot 8, practically bringing me to the perfect proportion.
Just because people in Hong Kong are a bunch of toothpicks (skinny and short), doesn’t mean that it is how people should be.
There is a lot of health risk being skinny, including early dementia, osteoporosis and broken bones, impair immune system, damage fertility and anaemia.
Besides, my Body mass index is still within the normal range, it’s not like I am FAT when it comes to international standards.

5) I still not sure what colour I want for my hair.
I decided I’ll go light during the summer, and go dark during the winter months this year.
I made the decision at the beginning of the year.
When I looked back at my photos this year, my hair wasn’t exactly dark at the beginning of the year, because I have had high lights put in, and it was definitely blond in February and March, through to April and May.
By the time it got to June, my hair was practically white, or as they called it, platinum blond.
I went for a slight grey-ish look when it got to the height of the summer – July, August and September.
And I only got back to the dark side at the beginning of this month.
I missed the red and the brown when my hair was light, but now that it’s the honey tear colour, I miss the blond.
Last year I took it to the extreme with the red, the blue, the green, the pink, the blond, the purple and the dark brown.
This year it’s light and dark.
That’s it.
I don’t know what my plan is yet for next year, but rest assured – it will definitely going to change, I just don’t know which direct yet.

6) I still love Boybands
I think I am at the age where I know exactly what I like and what I want, and boyband is definitely something that I want in my life.
They have beautiful looking human being, happy music, sad music, ballads, dance music, dance routines that you can follow, brainwashing tune, catchy lyrics… or as Hollywood Ending calls it “mind-control post-chorus”.
And it’s the same for Japanese and English.
I don’t know what’s not to like.
People probably know boyband songs, and they just refuse to admit to it.
I am just truth enough to myself and tell the work about it.
This of course leads to…

7) I still sings too loud
I can do it in tune of course, but I can also do it out of tune, which is so much more fun if you can sing.
Singing out of tune when you can sing is one of the best thing that can happen in life, and it really makes you happen because it’s just so silly and it doesn’t matter if you are alone or with your friends.
Admittedly me and Curly LOVE singing out of tune just to annoying people and laugh together.
So many times we have had the same song in our head, we’d sing together at the same time without even getting the tuning right and we’d be in tune.
It’s like we have an agreement without talking about what key to sing “OH HAPPY SHEEP”.

8) I still needs more shoes
Some female like coats (my mother), and some females like handbags (my adoptive sister in New York).
I like shoes.
I don’t know why, I am not sure where it came from, because mummy likes coats the most, then bags, then clothes – shoes is the last thing for her.
In my case, I love shoes and dresses the most. Then coats.
As long as I have a few, I am not too bothered.
But shoes? It’s not really something you can share, you kind of need your own no matter what.
A pair of shoes can make a lot of difference in life… I mean, look at Cinderella.
And I know I am going to get told off (and I have been) so many times, but relationships are like buying shoes.
You need to know if it’s fits, you need to know if it’s going to hurt you after a long time in them.
You need to know and make sure that the beginning might be a bit painful and it might rub a bit and give you blister, but once you are comfortable in them, they are going to be good for as long as you want.
And you really need to try it before you buy it.

9) I still love life
To be honest? Loving life only comes along since I broke up with CLEB.
I used to take life for granted.
Everything came to me so easily, and I really didn’t think I have to put much effort in.
When the relationship ended, even though I am not the one who lied and cheated, I still believe that it takes two in a relationship, and if one side fail, the other side should also take some responsibility.
I am not saying I am responsible for the reason why CLEB cheated, because just reading his supposedly ‘apology’ email and the email from 743, neither of them think they are wrong, and they both blamed the fact that it didn’t work out because of me.
I have to admit I never really put in much effort to maintain relationship, and I did take it for granted.
I believe that if the relationship is sturdy enough, it should be easy – and it was easy for me.
In a way, too easy; and it was the way I wanted it.
He was there when I wanted, he wasn’t when I was happy with my friends.
You know how wedding vows have the whole “to have and to hold” and “For better and for worse”?
He was there when “for better”, but he was never there “for worse”, nor did he want me when he needs someone “for worse”. It was always his friends (or so he said).
Maybe he found someone for him when he needs the “for worse” part.
But since I walked out of the relationship, I have treasure life a lot more, where I really do live as if I’d die tomorrow, and Ill have no regrets.
I also put more effort with my friends, both new and old, and I know which one of them will always be there for me.
And those one that only hands around during good times?
I keep them at arms length, and if they want to talk to me, great.
If they don’t, that’s fine by me too.

10) I still go mad when I see Nutella…
Nutella, Ferrero Rocher.
Hazelnut chocolate.
Same thing.
All that jazz.
Give me a box and Ferrero Rocher and I’ll polish it off within seconds.
sometimes it’s just what I need after a bad day.
And Nutella and a spoon, in front of the TV, watching something that I don’t need to use my brain.
OR something really soppy.
With a glass of wine.
That sounds like the perfect evening.
And I am quite tempted to do that…
with my friends.

Posted in Be good to myself, Life in Second City, Page, Rambling


Work seems to be dragging a bit, and I needed to go into town for a few things, so after work today I headed into town (because it is late night shopping on Wednesday) and possibly indulge in a KFC or something.

First, I went into a make up shop to pick up some primers for my lips and eyes.
It came to £18.90.
When I looked at the card reader after I put my card into the machine, it says £1.89.
I paid for that VERY quickly, and I legged it out of the shop just as quick.
Basically I had a 90% discount for no reason at all.

Then I went into the pharmacy, only really wanting some eyedrops for my contact lense, now that I am back in them (my eye has healed… for now).
Wax stripes were on sale, so I picked up 3 boxes (3 for 2).
The total came to £19.09. I asked if they take High Street vouchers, which I have one sitting in my wallet for a while.
They said yes, so I handed that over to her, with a £20 note and 10p.
She took £10.00 off my purchase (from the voucher, which I am sure it’s only worth £5 as I double checked it beforehand), and gave me gave me £15.01 charge.
So instead of paying for £15.09, I paid 8p for a box of eyedrop vials and 3 boxes of wax strips.

And then I bought myself a pair of platform flipflops and a pair of nautical ballet pumps.
Also walked past a nice quite pink leather jacket, and bought that too.

Whilst I was out, I saw an old friend in town, and we decided to have dinner together.
Dinner for two came to £45.87. I told her I didn’t have any change, so I will pay first and she went to get some cash.
I put down 3 x £20 note.
The waiter came back with 2 x £10 note and £4.13 in coins.
I took the 2 £10 note and ran out of the restaurant to wait for my old friend. She gave me £23, and I gave her £5 back.
She asked me why, so I told her.
I don’t think we’d (or I’d) go back there for a while, but hey, that was £10 off my food, which I am impressed (especially we had wine with dinner).

I also told her we should head up whilst we are on a lucky strike, because I don’t really want to exhaust my luck in one day.
t really makes me happy today, even though the day itself wasn’t that amazing.
I don’t usually say things like this, but thank you for my lucky day, God.
I’m glad you should me you are around every now and then to keep a smile on my face.

Posted in Page, Rambling

I walk faster in flat shoes

I finally succumbed today and wore a pair of flats and used a backpack instead of my 300 pound 100% leather shoulder bag.

My back is getting quite sore and I think it’s also because the bed I am sleeping on is quite soft as well.
My body is probably also wondering why the hell am I Walking 10K step a day when I am not on holiday.

I shaved 10 minutes on my way to work today, just because I wore flat shoes.
I guess it’s flat shoes from now on, walking to and fro work. I am tempted to get a pair of Vibram Five fingers. There’s a pair that looks like ballet shoes, and they look really nice. I just have to find out where the hell I can get them.

Alternatively, next time when I go to Italy I’ll pick up a pair, and I’ll just wear my Vans for now (I need to break those shoes back from home first).

I haven’t had any coke for a third day in a row! I did have some chocolate yesterday and some M&M today though.
I feel quite unsociable sometimes, because so far I have been having lunch at my desk because of the sheer amount of operating procedure that I have to read and I Want to get most of them over and done with as soon as possible so I start getting work done.

I did do my first interesting work though – a guy in a different department asked me for my PROFESSIONAL OPINION. I am well shocked.
Me? A professional?
I mean, I joked about being one and I get very upset if people don’t think I am one when I work, but actually being considered as an adult and a professional, it feels VERY weird.
I think I like it though, so far.

On a different note, it is confirmed for a fact that SMAP is not breaking up, and my world has restored the equilibrium. They got me worried for a while. Life would have been so different if they are not a 5 piece boyband. It’s like now News is now 4 people, when it used to be 9 of them; KAT-TUN used to be 6 people and now there is 4 left, and it’d be 3 soon.

It’s so weird to say this but this week so far has been long and short all at the same time. Long when I am walking into work and walking home, short when I am actually at work and at home, and it feels like I am not sleep enough.
And whilst we are talking about sleeping, I woke up at about six this morning and for the next 40 minutes I’d fall asleep and woke myself up because I was breathing too hard or when I am snoring.

It’s Wednesday and so far I have survived my new role without too much problem.
Let’s keep it this way.

Posted in Theatre critic, Theatre critic mode

McQueen the Play

I went to see McQueen the play today.
I went to see “Shoe: Pleasure and Pain” exhibition at V&A first.
There were lots of shoes.
Shoes that looks beautiful but painful, but it’s definitely a pleasure just looking at it.
Christian Louboutins.
Jimmy Choos.
Manolo Blahniks.
Vintage Salvadore Ferragemo.
Vintage YSL.
Vintage Christian Dior.
Vintage Chanel.

And very very ugly Golf shoes by Prada.
They probably weren’t allowed to be on the golf course.
They were seriously ugly.

And those Vivienne Westwood faux-croc that Naomi Campbell fell over in. Those were some famous shoes. There were lots and lots of other shoes too, traditional shoes, shoes donated anonymously (because they are kinky boots) and shoes worn by famous people.

And Alexander McQueen.

McQueen the play.
Long story short, I was kept at the edge of my seat and crying by the end of it.

Recognising the clothes shocked my system, and whoever did the casting is a fucking genius. Stephen Wright cannot look more like Lee.
I’m serious.
He portrayed McQueen perfectly. He did enough of North London and not over-gay.
The little things like rubbing his head, his hands on his lips and the occasional screaming.
The music used was from the shows throughout the years and I recognised so many of them.
I heard them at savage Beauty.
As well as the collections.
Remember them so well.
His relationship with Isabella Blow.
His relationship with his mother.
He lived the moment, that’s what made his collections so amazing.

All and all I loved it.
I want to see it again.
It seemed like no time has passed, even though the show was 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Lee McQueen has always been an inspiration in my life.

Love looks not with the eye, but with the mind.

A quote from Midsummer’s Night Dream that was tattooed on Lee’s arm.
It means so much more now.

Posted in 100 days of happiness

Day 74 – #100 days of happiness

I woke up this morning still feeling the alcohol in my system.
In a very good way.
I don’t know if this is worth mentioning, but with the amount of time I spent in his flat (yes I was out there last night, and his sister stayed too – his place is really central in London), he’s cleared out a drawer for me to keep overnight clothes and my “girlies bits” as he called it.
Though I am still wondering where the hell is my Captain America hoodie which I wore a few weeks ago and left at his place.
It’s a man size and both he and “The Accident” has expressed appreciation of the hoodie.


He had to work today, and since I was meeting Curly, Sister number 2 and Midori for lunching thought I might as well stay the night.
So he laughed at the two of us and winced every time we mentioned underwear and make up.
Didn’t stop him from sitting a around whilst we paint our nails and with face masks on and slightly intoxicated.


My train ran late from Essex.
We went to Essex this morning.
When I said we, me and SISTA went to Essex.
I think I started to like Essex.
The seaside at least.

I met a lovely person today.
But that’s all I can say because he’s a family member of certain person that is rather popular recently so I promise I won’t say anything.

Random advertising.
If you want to buy mirrors and/or house decoration – go to Nic Inc in Southend.

Lunch was interesting.
The whole lunch idea came from Midori.
It was to “celebrate” a birthday of a friend of hers.
To be honest she was a friend of me and Curly too.
But she is now more of an acquaintance because she had said some nasty things to me.


After lunch we went to pick up sister number two and headed to find ice-cream and then headed towards the concert.
We saw Axis of Awesome and they were AWESOME.
They sounded phenomenal.
They even took photos with us and then signed out tickets.
They are so lovely!