Posted in Countdown, Uncategorized

What song reminds you of a happy moment in your life?

I hated the time I was in university doing my undergraduate degree.
I didn’t get on with anybody that I live with, and those who I thought would make good friends turns out to be a bunch of dickheads.

Funny enough, those I thought I probably wouldn’t be friends with after university?
They were the one that cared.
How ironic.

There were good moments though.
The guy that I kind of (on and off for the three years) dated both named the same song the moment we talked music.
And it was a happy moment (All My Life by K-Ci and Jojo).

I have never actually met someone who named the same song as me when we were talking music.
We have only knew each other for probably about a week.
That was weird.
There are hundred thousands of songs out there, and he doesn’t like my type of music at all (a lot of our conversation went with me asking “what’s wrong with them” and him answering “you mean what’s right with them”), and yet – we named the same song.