Posted in Backstreet Boys


It’s been 26 years…

Not that I remember 26 years worth of it.

I was about 8 and a half years old 26 years go.

But on this day, 26 years ago, the Backstreet Boys was formed.

It didn’t change my world until about 4 years later, but since then, Backstreet Boys was a part of my life that I cannot imagine without.

I would put their first album on a loop, over and over again.

I have scratched at least 5 copies of that CD.

I can identify the song within the first 3 second of it playing.

Looking back, I didn’t actually like that many songs on the album.

When the second album came, I remember the total hype of “Everybody (Backtreet’s Back)”. 

The dance, the music video… everything.

It was the first song that I learnt an actual dance routine to.

I can still do it.

It’s embarrassing now, but I think after a few drinks I would do it in public.

I will do it in private anytime anywhere.

But I have been known (and there is some photo evidence somewhere) to dance with an inflatable triceratops with Curly whilst watching McFly 10th year anniversary at Royal Albert Hall on DVD. 

When the third album came, it has been about 2 years since the second album. It was a massive deal because it is the first album that went to number one worldwide, “I want it that way” was the song that went number one worldwide and it was the first song that was released on the same day worldwide. 

It was the song to be sung at every single possible occasion.

Little did we all know it is the perfect song to be sung whilst in the shower – because not only the acoustic is better, your voice box is relax, the pitch of the whole song also lies in the range that everybody can sing. 

The song doesn’t make sense with a melody that sticks to your head with lyrics that just falls out of your mouth.

All and all, a genius song (I think).

Also – Nick Carter was really fat at that point. Even he admitted to it.

We all later found out that was into his alcohol and 

The fourth album came, by then the Backstreet Boys has become one of the longest lasting boybands. It wasn’t a great album, the songs are mediocre but they were catchy – one of the main reason is probably that the Backstreet Boys finally have a more creative role, and it has become something that they have an input on and it wasn’t as commercial as the last few.

I still like it.

They have even more creative input on the fifth one, it took them five years to get this album out and then everything fell apart.

Kind of.

That album was the least marketable, but to me that was the best album out of all of them. I still only have a few songs that I really enjoy, but they were songs that means a lot to me.

But one of the member left. 

It didn’t stop the rest of them though.

They realised another album, just the four of them.

That was the album that took them back to the top again, and back to touring the world. 

I saw them in Hong Kong, whilst I took a year off in Hong Kong.

With my cousin.

(that was 12 years ago)

The seven album was very different from the last one.

It was still the four of them.

I supported them because they are the Backstreet Boys.

And then they were back as a five piece boyband.

And everything was back. 

The give of them.

I even celebrate the Backstreet Boys in Hyde Park, with the biggest UK Backstreet Boys’ fan – James Bourne.

From Busted.

At that point, he was in McBusted.

This year, they realised the newest album called DNA.

They are still going strong as ever.

And I am so proud to be a Backstreet Boys’ fan.

You can take the fan out Backstreet, but you can never take the Backstreet out of the fan.

Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive.

Posted in McBusted, One Direction

Everything happens on 20th April

Happy 22nd Birthday Backstreet Boys.

Why do I say everything happens on 20th April?
Because it does.

I uses Timehop (Yes – I am one of those social media people), and it was Easter Sunday last year.
It was also the premier of Game of Thrones aka Game of Boners last year.
I made 6 flower crowns last year on this day.

Believe it or not, Louis Tomlinson from One Direction also tweeted the same message today and a year ago.

Two years ago my cousin tried to cheered me up by taking me to have high tea at the Royal Automobile Club.
It was a glorious day and I was feeling very pretty and girlie.
I was also seriously heart broken.
Which, a year later, it was the first time JB and I had a serious conversation on the phone.

Three years ago I moved office from the deep down south to the posh part of England.
I was in my last company.
I was doing 70 miles commute one way, and three year ago was my last day in that office.
And I loved that office.

So many things happen on 20th of April.
And nothing happened today.

Seemed like the steak is broken.

That’s a lie.

McBusted announced they are doing the Cardiff shows with One Direction.

I am waiting for McBusted to announce they’d be doing the O2 shows with One Direction.